Road improvement scheme for A42 Portglenone Road/Ballymena Road and The Diamond, Ahoghill

A carriageway and footway resurfacing scheme on the A42 Portglenone Road/Ballymena Road and The Diamond, Ahoghill will commence on Tuesday 9 May 2023.

Greens repeat call for end to fossil fuels as climate activists gather in London

19 April 2023

The Green Party has reiterated its call for a rapid transition away from fossil fuels as climate activists gather in London this weekend [1] and said a vote for the Greens in the local elections next month is a vote for climate action.

Several high profile Greens will be speaking during the four days of action, taking place from Friday 21 April to Monday 24 April, which have been organised by Extinction Rebellion with the support of many leading environmental charities and civil society groups. The organisers have said the event will be peaceful and non-violent.

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“While the Green Party cannot speak for the organisers of this event, it is clear that we share their aim of moving beyond fossil fuels.

“Our climate is facing breakdown and nature is in freefall. Those in power should be taking decisive action now. The fact they aren’t doing is why events like these, and getting Greens elected at all levels of government, is so important.

“At the Green Party, we share the positive and ambitious vision of those joining this event, but our route to action is through electoral politics. We share their main demand that we get serious about transitioning away from fossil fuels.

“We also share the frustration at a government failing to quickly move us to net zero and instead take us in the wrong direction by granting permission for a new coal-mine, giving a green light to more oil drilling in the North Sea and investing billions in new roads. 

“That’s why we desperately need more Green politicians both in parliament and running local authorities across the country, pushing for urgent action on the climate and ecological emergency.

“On May 4th millions of people will have the opportunity in the local elections to vote for a political party that places the climate and ecological crisis front and centre stage. A vote for the Green Party is a vote for climate action.”



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Green Party response to Junior Doctors’ Strike

11 April 2023

Responding to strike action by junior doctors, co-leader of the Green Party Carla Denyer, who has today joined junior doctors on the picket line, said:

“Junior doctors are absolutely right to call for their pay to be restored to pre-austerity levels. Most people clearly agree that it is unacceptable for junior doctors to work ever longer hours while being asked to accept a real terms pay cut. A new poll shows 54% of the public back junior doctors taking action, while only 26% oppose [1].

“Years of government underfunding has pushed the NHS to breaking point and resulted in poor pay, thousands of unfilled vacancies, declining working conditions, overworked staff, and stretched capacity. Strike action by junior doctors and other health service workers is the inevitable consequence.  

“The Green Party is committed to a properly funded NHS. We would increase investment by at least £6bn each year and ensure junior doctors and other health workers are decently paid. And to tackle the fact that one in three hospital beds in parts of England are occupied by patients well enough to be discharged but unable to access social care [2], we would also provide free social care. 

“Health and social care, free at the point of use, could be funded through a wealth tax on the richest 1%, a single unified income tax – raising an additional £24 billion – or adding a social care levy to a more progressive tax system. Failure to provide adequate funding for decent health and social care is a political choice.”


  2. Up to one in three English hospital beds occupied by patients fit for discharge | NHS | The Guardian

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DAERA welcomes publication of responses to UK pig sector consultation

DAERA has welcomed today’s publication of responses to a DEFRA-led consultation on contracts within the UK pig sector.

Closure of Kells and Connor Medical Practice, Ballymena

The GP contractor at Kells and Connor Medical Practice, Ballymena gave notice to the Department of Health that they will be resigning their contract to provide GP services from 30 April 2023.