

Speech: Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

72 years ago the world learned of the liberation of Auschwitz and the full horror of the death camps.

And as we looked at the devastation wrought on the Jews of Europe, we swore that we would never let genocide happen again.

We failed.

Genocide happened in Cambodia.

It happened in Rwanda.

The 20th century ended with genocide in Bosnia.

The 21st century began with genocide in Darfur.

Faced not only with such unimaginable evil, but also with our repeated failure to learn from it, it’s easy to ask “How can life go on?”

I find the answer in the words that one young victim of the Holocaust wrote in her diary.

“I still believe people are really good at heart”.

Anne Frank was right.

People can be good.

We can be better.

We just need to be reminded of our failings, and not permitted to forget what happens when hatred is left to grow unchecked.

So, life can go on because life must go on.

Because we must remember.

That’s why Holocaust Memorial Day is so important.

And that’s why I’m so proud to be leading the work on the new National Holocaust Memorial.

It’s going to be built right outside Parliament, and concept designs will be unveiled at 10 Downing Street later on today.

The memorial will remind us of those who died and those who survived.

But it will also remind us that the Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers.

It began with words.

With discrimination.

With ordinary people not standing up to hatred.

And that’s a message that’s as relevant today as at any time in our history.

A message that must be shared, that must be passed on to our children and our children’s children.

Because in the words of Zigi Shipper, one of 112 Holocaust survivors whose testimony has been recorded for the memorial project:

“I beg the young people, whatever you do, do not hate.

“Hate will ruin your life.”

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Labour tables targeted amendments to Article 50 Bill

Today Labour has tabled a number of targeted amendments to the Article 50 Bill (the European Union [Notification of Withdrawal] Bill).

The amendments seek to improve the process, and would ensure Parliament is able to hold the Government to account throughout the Brexit negotiations.

Labour is also tabling an anti-tax haven amendment to ensure the Prime Minister doesn’t use Brexit to weaken Britain’s laws concerning tax avoidance and evasion.

Labour will also support two amendments drafted by Melanie Onn MP which would protect workers’ rights and ensure there is no drop in employment protection after the UK leaves the EU.

Labour’s amendments will:

i)                    Allow a meaningful vote in Parliament on the final Brexit deal. Labour’s amendment would ensure that the House of Commons has the first say on any proposed deal and that the consent of Parliament would be required before the deal is referred to the European Council and Parliament.

ii)                  Establish a number of key principles the Government must seek to negotiate during the process, including protecting workers’ rights, securing full tariff and impediment free access to the Single Market.

iii)                Ensure there is robust and regular Parliamentary scrutiny by requiring the Secretary of State to report to the House at least every two months on the progress being made on negotiations throughout the Brexit process

iv)                Guarantee legal rights for EU nationals living in the UK. Labour has repeatedly called for the Government to take this step, and this amendment would ensure EU citizens’ rights are not part of the Brexit negotiations.

v)                  Require the Government to consult regularly with the governments in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland throughout Brexit negotiations. Labour’s amendment would put the Joint Ministerial Committee (JMC) on a statutory footing and require the UK Government to consult the JMC at least every two months.

vi)                Require the Government to publish impact assessments conducted since the referendum of any new proposed trading relationship with the EU. This amendment seeks to ensure there is much greater clarity on the likely impact  of the Government’s decision to exit the Single Market and seek  new relationship with the Customs Union

vii)              Ensure the Government must seek to retain all existing EU tax avoidance and evasion measures post-Brexit

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, said:

“Labour will seek to amend the Article 50 Bill to prevent the Government using Brexit to turn Britain into a bargain basement tax haven off the coast of Europe. Our country can do much better than that.

“We respect the will of the British people, but not the will of this Tory government to impose fewer rights at work and worse public services, while the largest corporations pay even less tax.

“Labour will ensure that the British people, through Parliament, have genuine accountability and oversight over the Brexit negotiations because no one voted to give Prime Minister Theresa May a free hand over our future.”

Keir Starmer, Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, said:

“Now that Parliament has the right to trigger Article 50, we need to ensure there is proper grip and accountability built into the process.

“Labour’s amendments will also seek to ensure the Prime Minister secures the best deal for the whole country – including tariff and impediment free access to the Single Market and that there is no drop in workers’ rights.

“Labour’s amendments will significantly improve the Government’s Bill – in particular by ensuring the House of Commons has the first say on the final Brexit deal and that there are regular opportunities to hold the Government to account.

“Labour’s amendments will also seek to ensure the Prime Minister secures the best deal for the whole country – including tariff and impediment free access to the Single Market and that there is no drop in workers’ rights. We will also vigorously oppose any plans to reduce powers to tackle tax avoidance or evasion’.

“The Article 50 Bill will be the start, not the end of the Brexit process and Labour will hold the Government to account all the way”

Melanie Onn MP, who has tabled two amendments with Frontbench support on workers’ rights said:

“The Tories can’t be allowed to use Brexit as an excuse to water-down people’s rights at work.

“That’s why I am introducing amendments to protect in British law all workers’ rights which originate from the EU, including maternity pay, equal rights for agency and part-time workers, and the working time directive.

“The British people voted to leave the EU, but I don’t think anyone was voting for more insecure contracts or a less safe workplace.”

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News story: UK Holocaust memorial design competition: tell us what you think

Submit your feedback on the 10 shortlisted designs for the new UK National Holocaust Memorial.

The UK’s National Holocaust Memorial and learning centre will stand in the shadow of Parliament, at the heart of our democracy, in Victoria Tower Gardens. This striking new structure will honour victims and survivors of Nazi persecution. It will also educate future generations about the dangers of prejudice and hatred, and serve as a powerful statement of our values as a nation.

The UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation launched a memorial international design competition in September 2016. It sought to identify the very best architectural talent to create an emotionally powerful and sensitively designed memorial. Ninety-two teams expressed an interest in the project, with a shortlist of 10 invited to submit concept designs. These designs are being displayed publically at a number of venues across the UK as well as online.

We are consulting on the shortlist with the public, those working in the field of Holocaust remembrance and education, and technical experts. This consultation will play a crucial role in informing the jury’s final decision on the memorial.

A summary of the feedback we receive will be fed into the jury. Note that we are not able to respond to individual submissions.

Thank you for sharing your views with the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation.

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Speech: Backing the ad industry as we make a success of Brexit

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo Da Vinci knew some stuff didn’t he? And he knew that slogans, or as we politicians put it, soundbites, matter.

Without the help of people who know how to express the core qualities of a service, product, or plan in straightforward yet captivating language, we are sunk.

No wonder Henry Ford opined “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.”

Thank you, Stephen [Woodford, Chief Executive of the Advertising Association]. It’s very heartening to see that advertising has such an enthusiastic champion and one who’s done his research – so thank you very much.

It is a great pleasure to be here, and a very welcome chance to speak to the advertising industry.

Today I’d like to share my thoughts on why you are so special, outline some of the ways I believe you will be key to the UK’s post-Brexit success, and reassert the Government’s support for advertising.

Advertising: a unique industry

UK advertising is the best in the world.

It does exactly what it says on the tin.

It has attracted some of the finest artistic talent around, such as the film director Ridley Scott and the comedy producer John Lloyd. The best adverts are not only a means to an end, but works of art in their own right.

I loved as a teenager the classy black-and-white Guinness adverts, and I’m also a huge fan of the hilarious SpecSavers ads.

Advertising is right there at the intersection of creativity and commerce, and as such, one of the most fascinating industries around.

And advertising’s special status does not end there. Culture, media, sport, tourism, digital technology, heritage, the National Citizens Service, and everything else my department does is reliant upon and interacts very closely with advertising.

You are one of our major success stories. The UK has the biggest ad spend in Europe, and our advertising exports are worth billions annually. Deloitte has found that the £20 billion spent on UK advertising in 2015 generated around £120 billion in GDP, 6.4 per cent of the overall economy.

It’s the real thing.

And it’s Reassuringly expensive.

Advertising: key to the UK’s success

There can be no question, then – advertising is central to a successful UK.

You are a key player in your own right. But of course you are also a champion for other industries – every other industry – and act as a catalyst for the creation of new ones.

New models for the consumption of television, film and music would – like the Internet itself – be unsustainable without advertising and would never have come into being without it.

You will also be a major player in post-Brexit Britain.

UK advertising has a well-deserved reputation for being outward-facing, innovative, and high quality. The UK balance of payments for advertising-related services is second only to the USA – and five times that of France. Germany and Italy import much more advertising than they export.

Go Compare!

The Government is seeking a new and equal partnership with Europe, and repositioning this country as a truly Global Britain.

You can help sell this country to the rest of the world. Of course you do so already – through the GREAT campaign, by drawing attention to our amazing film and music sectors, and indeed by promoting all our goods and services.

I want to be clear that the Government has never seen you as peripheral to our plans for success. You are right there at the centre. And I want to hear from you.

Why should you make the time?

Because you’re worth it.

Our Plan for Britain will be driven by some basic principles: we will provide as much certainty and clarity as we can at every stage.

And we will take this opportunity to make Britain stronger and to make Britain fairer – getting the right deal abroad while ensuring a better deal for ordinary working people here at home.

Our aim is to forge new relationships around the globe, while being open to international talent.

I’m conscious that UK advertising feels that certain aspects of EU-wide co-operation have been helpful and certain legislation harmful, so I want to hear your views on the opportunities Brexit presents as we approach negotiations.

As we engage in negotiations with the union, the advertising industry can help us make the case by providing us with data and knowledge.

I want to make use of your myriad skills as well.

You know how to sell anything – and so I am certain that you can sell as a product as fantastic as the United Kingdom!

After all, When you’ve got it, flaunt it.

Government support for advertising

If you are to take one thing away from what I say today, please let it be that the Government is foursquare behind the advertising industry.

Credos, the advertising industry think tank, has found that there is a £5 billion gap between what people are willing to pay and the true cost of advertising-funded media they receive. I will be very conscious of that as we look at things like Internet advertising filters.

Inevitably, an industry that is so woven into the fabric of the whole economy is particularly vulnerable during times of economic difficulty, and uncertainty will make businesses reluctant to invest. A fall in ad spend was one of the first indicators of the last recession.

So it is quite right that the creative industries are highlighted in the Government’s green paper Building our Industrial Strategy, which was published earlier this week.

The Industrial Strategy’s overarching aim is to enable us to identify all of the opportunities throughout our economy – so that businesses can grow, create more jobs, and spread economic success right across the country.

The purpose of the green paper is not to lay down the law, but rather to start a conversation. Before the consultation closes on 17 April, I am very eager for you to help us make the case for the creative industries in general and advertising in particular.

The Government has been clear that business is best placed to identify what companies need, and has issued an “open door” challenge to industry to come forward with proposals to transform their sectors.

Because it’s good to talk.

This industry already has a tremendous advocate in the Advertising Association.

This is not an old-fashioned “picking winners” industrial strategy. Instead, sector deals will be open for both established and emerging industries, and the Government will work with any sector that can organise behind strong leadership.

This leaves your industry – which has a long history of doing just that – in a very strong position.

Impossible is nothing.

Sector deals with government can be struck when an industry can demonstrate a strategy to transform their prospects. This could include such matters as helping to align policies on training and skills; addressing regulatory issues; helping to identify market barriers; and promoting the creation and spread of new technologies.

Moreover, there is a specific focus on creative industries in the green paper. Sir Peter Bazalgette is conducting an independent sector review, which will focus on three key themes: utilising new technologies, capitalising on intellectual property rights, and growing talent pipelines.

I look forward to working with you and Sir Peter – or Baz as he prefers!

The review will complement, rather than replace, the sector’s efforts, such as the Creative Industries Council’s work programme. Ably led by Nicola Mendelsohn, the Council has already produced extremely useful material on intellectual property and talent pipelines.

You are likewise well placed to prosper thanks to your determination to explore cutting-edge technologies such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. And, once again, where the advertising industry leads, others will follow.

I wanted to say a word about the Gambling Review. I know that the fact we are looking at the advertising of gambling concerns some of you, but this is something about which people feel very strongly. I receive a lot of correspondence on this matter and it is something that is regularly raised with me as a constituency MP.

It would be irresponsible not to explore those concerns and that is why we are carefully considering the responses to our genuinely open call for evidence. We aim to publish our findings in the Spring.

In conclusion, then, UK advertising is something about which we can all be very proud. More than that, it is one of the industries that most makes me optimistic about this country’s prospects.

And this Government will be backing the advertising industry as we make a success of Brexit.

Tell Sid. In fact, tell everybody. Just do it. Thank you.

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