Publication of analysis of the Northern Ireland High Street Scheme

The Department for the Economy today published a statistical report presenting a range of analysis on the Northern Ireland High Street Scheme.

Publication of Northern Ireland High Street Scheme Survey – Findings from the NISRA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Opinion Survey

The Department for the Economy today published a statistical report and accompanying data tables presenting key findings on the Northern Ireland High Street Scheme from questions asked in the NISRA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Opinion Survey.

Health Inequalities Annual Report 2022

The Department of Health today published the Health Inequalities Annual Report 2022. This publication presents a comprehensive analysis of regional health inequality gaps between the most and least deprived areas of NI, and sub-regional gaps within Health & Social Care (HSC) Trust and Local Government District (LGD) areas across a range of health indicators.

Extensions to Invest NI public appointments

The Department for the Economy has announced extensions to the terms of office of five board members of Invest NI.

Twenty high quality training places on Assured Skills Academy with KPMG

The Department for the Economy today announced 20 high-quality training places on a Cyber Security Assured Skills Academy with KPMG and Belfast Met (BMC).