Letter to HSC staff

I wanted to write to you at this very challenging time to say how important the work is that you do and

Poots welcomes agreement on UK opposition to Irish Grass Fed Beef PGI

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots MLA, today welcomed the progress that has been made towards including Northern Ireland beef in the effort to obtain Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status for ‘Irish Grass fed Beef’ within the EU.

Lyons appoints Governing Body Chairs at further education colleges

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons has appointed Mr John Nugent as Chair of the Governing Body of South Eastern Regional College and Dr Thomas Moore as Chair of the Governing Body of Southern Regional College.

Justice Minister visits PSNI Public Protection Branch

Justice Minister Naomi Long has visited PSNI Public Protection Branch in Belfast and heard how the team works with a range of agencies to protect the public from harm.

Minister praises work of Special Olympics as athletes go for gold

The first Special Olympics Ulster event in three years has taken place and Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey was at Antrim Forum today to see the athletes going for gold.