Northern Ireland Executive


Physical activity advice for pregnant women

If you are pregnant, there is new advice about the types of physical activity that are safe to do while you’re expecting. Taking part in safe, responsible and appropriate physical activity while pregnant can have many health benefits.

Addressing health concerns

The new recommendations aim to address concerns around obesity, diabetes and other health issues during pregnancy. 

Research shows that taking regular physical exercise during pregnancy can:

  • boost the immune system
  • help prevent health risks such as Type 2 diabetes 
  • improve mental health and wellbeing

If you are pregnant you should listen to your body and adapt your exercise accordingly. 

As a general rule, if it feels pleasant, keep going; if it is uncomfortable, then stop and seek advice from your health professional.

If you are already active then try to keep up your physical activity levels.

You may need to adapt your activity throughout your pregnancy. For example, replacing contact sports with a non-contact sport or an appropriate exercise class – ‘don’t bump the bump’.

There is no evidence of harm for expectant mother or baby resulting from moderate intensity physical activity. 

If you weren’t active before pregnancy, it is recommended you slowly increase the amount of exercise you do. Begin with 10-minute bouts of moderate-intensity exercise, gradually building up to 150 minutes in total spread throughout the week. It is important to remember that ‘every activity counts’.

If you were not active before your pregnancy you should avoid intense exercise, such as: 

  • running
  • jogging
  • racquet sports
  • strenuous strength training 

Activities to avoid

If pregnant you should avoid activities where there is an increased risk of falling, trauma or high impact injuries. These include: 

  • skiing
  • water skiing
  • surfing
  • off-road cycling
  • gymnastics
  • horse riding
  • contact sports, such as ice hockey, boxing, football or basketball

After the first trimester of your pregnancy you are also discouraged from exercise that requires lying flat on your back. 

Medical advice

You should seek medical advice if you experience: 

  • breathlessness before or following mild exercise
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • chest pain
  • muscle weakness affecting balance
  • calf pain or swelling

If you experience pregnancy complications such as vaginal bleeding, regular painful contractions, or amniotic fluid leakage, you may also be advised to reduce or stop physical activity.

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Take care driving in wintry conditions

With wintry weather forecast, icy roads, sleet and snow could make driving conditions more difficult in some areas. Always adjust your driving according to the conditions and plan your journey. Reduce your speed and drive with extra care, even when roads have been gritted.

Drive to suit the conditions

During adverse weather, you should:

  • clear ice and snow off all windows, lights and vehicle roof before you set off
  • use at least dipped headlights in poor visibility
  • leave extra space between you and other vehicles
  • be extra cautious at road junctions where road markings may not be visible

Even after roads have been treated in winter, driving conditions may remain challenging, especially if the road location and layout mean there is a high risk of ice. Be aware that ice forms more easily on:

  • hilly or exposed roads
  • roads that pass under or over a bridge
  • roads shaded by trees or buildings

Try not to brake suddenly in icy conditions – it may lock up the wheels and you could skid.

If you start to skid:

  • release the brake pedal fully or ease off the accelerator
  • steer into the skid
  • as you straighten, steer back along the road

You can find out more about driving in wintry conditions at the page below:

Check and service your vehicle

You can reduce your chances of breaking down by regularly servicing your car. You should also:

  • top up anti-freeze and screenwash
  • check for wear and tear on wiper blades (replace them as soon as they start to smear rather than clean windows)
  • make sure your battery is fully charged (batteries last between two and four years – replace yours if it’s no longer reliable)
  • keep tyre pressure at the manufacturer’s recommended level and check you have at least 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the breadth of the tread and around the entire circumference
  • wipe dirt and spray off headlamps and make sure all bulbs are working

Winter kit

During winter you are advised to carry a winter kit in your vehicle. It should include:

  • ice scraper and de-icer
  • torch and spare batteries (or a wind-up torch)
  • warm clothes and blankets
  • boots
  • first aid kit
  • jump leads for the car battery
  • a shovel (if there’s a chance of snow)
  • road atlas
  • sunglasses (the low winter sun and glare off snow can be dazzling)
  • warning triangle

If you’re planning a long trip or if severe weather is forecast, you may want to also have in your car:

  • any medication you need to take regularly
  • food and a thermos with a hot drink

Is your journey necessary?

You should always plan your journey and check the latest weather and travel advice.

If the conditions are bad, ask yourself whether you really need to travel – or if you can delay your journey until conditions improve.

If you must travel, plan your journey carefully.

Traffic information

However carefully you plan your journey, things can go wrong. An accident or bad weather could mean that a road is closed for a time.  

You can get up-to-date traffic information at the following link:

If you find yourself on a stretch of road that is closed, stay in the car and listen to traffic news.

Driving and walking in flooded areas

Do not travel in heavy rainstorms unless absolutely necessary.

In flooded areas, drivers should not:

  • enter flood water that is moving or is more than four inches deep
  • under any circumstances, drive through fast-flowing water as the car could be swept away

In more shallow but passable water:

  • slow down
  • avoid creating bow waves which can damage your car engine; and
  • remember to test the brakes after leaving the water

Do not attempt to walk through flooded areas. Even shallow water moving fast can sweep you off your feet and there may be hidden dangers such as:

  • open drains
  • damaged road surfaces
  • submerged debris; or
  • deep channels which can result in serious injury or, in the worst cases, death

If you do become stranded in flood water and you feel there is a risk to life, dial 999 for emergency assistance.

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