Northern Ireland Executive


Apply for school uniform grant

Date published: 01 August 2017

The new term might not start for a few more weeks, but parents may already be thinking about getting their children ready for school. Grants are available to help with buying school uniforms for certain pupils. Find out if you’re eligible for a grant.

Clothing allowance

The Clothing Allowance Scheme covers pupils in primary, post-primary and special schools. It does not apply to pupils at nursery schools, nursery units or reception classes.

The eligibility criteria are similar to those used for free school meals and seeks to support families who are on benefits or on low incomes. To find out more about the grant and to see if you can apply, see the page below:

The Education Authority is responsible for the administration of the scheme.

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Avoiding getting caught out by scams

It’s Scams Awareness Month and people are being warned to beware of being caught out by fraudsters. There are countless ways that criminals have found to scam people out of their money, but there are steps to take to be wiser about scams.

Do some research

New technology has made scamming a fine art. Telephones, smartphones, computers, and tablets has inspired a new generation of scammers from home and abroad.

People need to be much more careful. Just as the internet is used to search for products and services, people should use the internet to:

  • research the seller or provider
  • check reviews and scam alerts from those who have already been caught out

It is one of the easiest ways of protecting yourself.

Scams and what to do 

Each month Trading Standards Service’s Consumerline receives hundreds of complaints, many from people who have been scammed from a few pounds to many thousands of pounds.

For example:

  • phone calls catch the unwary who are frequently too quick to agree business over the phone
  • instead of being given money, some consumers have lost hundreds of pounds applying for loans
  • fake websites supposedly selling cars and even outboard motors have caught local consumers out in recent weeks

Lots of people also fall for ‘free trials’ of various lotions and potions. Thinking they have paid only a few pounds for post and packaging, they discover that they have had sometimes hundreds of pounds withdrawn from their account under a Continuous Payment Authority. In many cases, goods are simply never delivered.

Anyone who feels that they have been a victim of a scam should contact Consumerline

Report a scam

Many people who are scammed feel they are to blame to falling for it, but it’s not their fault.

If you have – or know someone who has – been a victim of fraud, no matter how small, you should report it to the PSNI or Action Fraud

Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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