World War II seaplane found in Lough Erne

Lough Erne has revealed a secretive past, with the discovery of a World War II seaplane at the bottom of the lough.

New Roof Taking Shape at Carrickfergus Castle

Works to replace the roof of the Great Tower or Keep at Carrickfergus Castle enter a new phase this week with the arrival on site of the oak timber that will form the new roof.

Extension to terms of Office for Non-Executive Chair and Six Non-Executive Members of the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery

The Department of Health has announced a 12 month extension to the terms of appointment for the Non-Executive Chair and 6 Non-Executive Members of the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC) Board.

Sterling appoints Interim Advocate for Victims and Survivors of Historical Institutional Abuse

The Head of the Civil Service, David Sterling has appointed Brendan McAllister as the Interim Advocate for Victims and Survivors of Historical Institutional Abuse.

Phase down plan for amalgam fillings published

The Department of Health today published a plan to phase down the use of dental amalgam fillings as part of a UK wide approach in line with EU regulations introduced in 2018.