​​​​​​​Co. Down farmer fined for allowing farm effluent to enter a waterway

Co. Down farmer Joseph Harold Turtle (46)  from Moss Road, Millisle was convicted and fined £1,000 plus £15 Offenders Levy at Newtownards Magistrates Court today.

£100,000 road improvement scheme for Lisnagarvey Drive, Lisburn

A £100,000 resurfacing and reconstruction scheme will commence on Lisnagarvey Drive, Lisburn on Monday 19 August.

Extensions to Further Education college governing body public appointments

The Department for the Economy has announced extensions to the second terms of appointment of one Chair and 12 governing body members across the six Further Education college governing bodies. These extensions are for a period of nine months from 1 August 2019 to 30 April 2020 as follows:

Looking for advice after exams? The Northern Ireland Careers Service is here to help you

Obtaining exam results is an exciting and important milestone in the life of a young person and making informed decisions about the various career options available is vital to effective career planning.

£448,000 road improvement schemes for Melmount Road, Sion Mills.

Two resurfacing and carriageway reconstruction schemes will commence on the A50 Melmount Road, Sion Mills on Monday 19 August 2019.