DoH statement on public sector pay policy

The Department of Health welcomes the publication of the NI public sector pay policy for 2019/20.

Public Sector Pay Policy set for 2019/20

In keeping with the overarching policy set by the UK Government, the Department has confirmed the policy continues with the same approach set in 2018/19 of moving away from a cross-public sector pay policy of limiting average awards to one per cent.

International award for Maghaberry Prison

The staff of Maghaberry Prison have received an Excellence Award from the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) at their annual conference in Buenos Aires.

US insurance giant Aflac and Belfast Met launch 20-place Assured Skills Academy

The Department for the Economy has launched a new Assured Skills Academy with US insurance company Aflac in partnership with Belfast Met, offering 20 training places for graduates in any discipline.

£156,000 road refurbishment scheme on Mullahead Road, Tandragee

A £156,000 road refurbishment scheme on the Mullahead Road, Tandragee, is due to commence on Monday 4 November 2019.