“Words Save Lives” – let’s talk about organ donation

The Department of Health and the Public Health Agency are urging everyone to talk to their family and friends about organ donation during Organ Donation Week (2-8 September).

Public consultations conclude on reshaping services

Change in health and social care is both necessary and unavoidable. That is the message from the Department of Health following the conclusion of public consultations on reshaping stroke and breast assessment care.

£110,000 resurfacing scheme for Lynne Road, Bangor

A £110,000 carriageway and footway resurfacing scheme on Lynne Road, Bangor will commence on Wednesday 4 September 2019.

Appointment of Two Commissioners to the Board of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland

The Department for Communities has appointed two new Commissioners.

Reappointment of Three District Council Representatives to the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service

The Department of Health today announced reappointments to the terms of three District Council Representatives to the Board of the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS).