Essential repair work to be carried out in Armagh City

Essential defect repairs are to be carried out at a number of locations on The Moy Road Roundabout, Lonsdale Road, Railway Street, Mall East, Gaol Square and Victoria Street.

Brexit and YOU delivered to homes in Northern Ireland

A leaflet with information on Brexit will be delivered to all homes in Northern Ireland over the next week.

DAERA announces no deal contingency plans to manage exports from the agri-food sector

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has announced its plan to manage the Export Health Certification needs of the agri-food sector if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

Chief social worker updates on reform of NI's children's social work service

“By April 2020, we will have invested £15 million in family and children’s services, including investing in the roll-out of Signs of Safety. This additional transformation funding provides a unique opportunity to deliver real and lasting improvements in the services we provide.

Extension to the Terms of Appointment to the Board of the Middletown Centre for Autism

The Department of Education (DE) has announced the extension of the appointment terms for the DE appointed Vice Chairperson and two Directors of the Middletown Centre for Autism in Armagh.