People of all ages should learn CPR so more lives can be saved

That was the key message from Professor Charlotte McArdle, NI’s Chief Nursing Officer who was speaking at a ‘World Restart a Heart’ Day event in St Mary’s Grammar School, Belfast.

£475,000 resurfacing scheme for Millisle Road, Donaghadee

A £475,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme on the A2 Millisle Road, Donaghadee will commence on Monday 21 October 2019.

New Parent and Afterschool Centre opens at Kilcooley Primary School

A new Parent and Afterschool Centre has been opened today in Kilcooley Primary School and Nursery Unit, Bangor. The facilities were funded by a £282,000 Department for Communities (DfC) investment through its Neighbourhood Renewal Intervention Fund with the project being delivered by the Education Authority. 

Regional Launch of Primary Care Multi-Disciplinary Team Programme

The Department of Health today announced the latest phase of plans to transform care at GP surgeries across Northern Ireland.

Extensions to DfE public appointments

The Department for the Economy has announced extensions to the terms of office of the Chair and two board members of public bodies sponsored by the Department.