£100,000 resurfacing scheme for Gallrock Road, Birches

A £100,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme on Gallrock Road, Birches will commence on Monday 6 January 2020.

Imprisoned dads at Hydebank have special Christmas gift for children

Imprisoned dads at Hydebank Wood College will have a very special gift delivered to their children for Christmas this year.

The Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: Second Quarter 2019/20

The Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: Second Quarter 2019/20 Statistical Bulletin, has been published today.

Final results of the June Agricultural Census 2019

The final results of the June 2019 Agricultural Census have been released by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland – driving mapping forward

Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) within the Department of Finance has recently installed a new mobile mapping system which will revolutionise the collection of mapping data.