£5,500 fines for waste offences in Newry Area

On Friday 10th January 2020, Justin Dike (44) and BJ Trading Ltd were each convicted at Newry Magistrates Court for 11 breaches of waste management legislation.

Trees and Watercourses – Why Bother?

The streams, sheughs and rivers are so common in our countryside we almost never think of what their banks and edges represent – a place where water meets land habitats.

Selection process launched for Independent Domestic Homicide Review Chairs

The Department of Justice is seeking to recruit a panel of three independent chair members for the introduction of Domestic Homicide Reviews in Northern Ireland.

Announcement of the extension of the appointments of Chair and Non-Executive Directors of the Strategic Investment Board

The Executive Office has announced the extension to the term of appointment of the Chair and two Non-Executive Directors of the Strategic Investment Board (SIB).

Appointments to the Statistical Advisory Committee

The Department of Finance has appointed Mr Edgar Jardine as Chair of the Department’s Statistical Advisory Committee (SAC) and Dr Anathasia Xenaki and Dr Danielle Blaylock as new Committee members.