Ministers welcome success of medicines delivery service

Health Minister Robin Swann and Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey have welcomed the excellent response to a new volunteer-led scheme delivering medicines to patients.

Daily Covid-19 figures – 24 April 2020

The Department of Health confirms that today a further fifteen people have sadly lost their lives to Covid-19.

Tar-rolladh Scéim Sparántachtaí Gaeltachta Líofa 2020 go 2021

D’fhógair an tAire Deirdre Hargey, CTR go ndéanfar scéim Sparántachtaí Gaeltachta Líófa 2020 a thar-rolladh go 2021 i bhfianaise chealú Cúrsaí Samhraidh Gaeltachta na bliana seo mar thoradh ar phaindéim COVID-19.

Covid-19 press conference – 23 April 2020

The Economy Minister Diane Dodds and Finance Minister Conor Murphy provide an update from their respective departments actions in the fight against COVID-19.

Daily Covid-19 figures – 23 April 2020

The Department of Health confirms that today a further thirteen people have sadly lost their lives to Covid-19.