Executive Daily Update: Initiatives to deal with Coronavirus (20 May 2020)

Northern Ireland Executive ministers and their officials have over the past 24 hours been involved in a number of initiatives and critical decisions relating to the Coronavirus emergency.

Covid-19 press conference – 20 May 2020

The Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey provided an update on the fight against Covid-19 emergency.

DfI statement on Casement Park planning application

Responding to calls for Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon to make a decision on Casement Park planning application, a Department for Infrastructure spokesperson said: “As the Department has stated publicly on a number of occasions, DfI is working at pace to progress this application so it can be brought to the Minister for a decision. This is a statutory process which must complete before it comes to the Minister for a decision.

Minister Poots warns residents not to do DIY damage to environment

Environment Minister Edwin Poots has urged people not to damage the water environment when doing a spot of DIY or gardening at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Temporary weekly publication of high level children’s social care statistics during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Department of Health (DoH) has today published high level children’s social care statistics in relation to number of children who are currently on the Child Protection Register and number of children who are currently in care (looked after children).