Mallon Praises Public on 70% Traffic Reduction in Lockdown – Commits to Reimagining our Places in an Ambitious Recovery Plan

Revealing that since lockdown began on 23 March, on average, there has been a reduction in traffic flows of between 60 and 70% compared to this period in previous years, Minister Mallon has urged the public to keep going.

Executive approves opening of cemeteries on restricted basis

The Executive has today agreed that cemeteries will be allowed to open on a restricted basis.

Ministers welcome success of medicines delivery service

Health Minister Robin Swann and Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey have welcomed the excellent response to a new volunteer-led scheme delivering medicines to patients.

Daily Covid-19 figures – 24 April 2020

The Department of Health confirms that today a further fifteen people have sadly lost their lives to Covid-19.

Tar-rolladh Scéim Sparántachtaí Gaeltachta Líofa 2020 go 2021

D’fhógair an tAire Deirdre Hargey, CTR go ndéanfar scéim Sparántachtaí Gaeltachta Líófa 2020 a thar-rolladh go 2021 i bhfianaise chealú Cúrsaí Samhraidh Gaeltachta na bliana seo mar thoradh ar phaindéim COVID-19.