Hargey supporting town and city centres in their recovery

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has outlined how her Department is working to support town and city centres in their recovery.

Executive Daily Update: Initiatives to deal with Coronavirus (11 June 2020)

Northern Ireland Executive ministers and their officials have over the past 24 hours been involved in a number of initiatives and critical decisions relating to the Coronavirus emergency.

First consignment of PPE order arrives from China

The Executive will continue to work tirelessly to secure PPE supplies for frontline workers.

Department for the Economy public appointment extensions

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has made extensions to the terms of office of members of the governing bodies (GB) of further education colleges.

Share your views and experiences on shielding

Health Minister Robin Swann has urged everyone shielding due to Covid-19 to take part in a survey on their views and experiences.