Executive Daily Update: Initiatives to deal with Coronavirus (7 July 2020)

Northern Ireland Executive ministers and their officials have over the past 24 hours been involved in a number of initiatives and critical decisions relating to the Coronavirus emergency.

Consultation launched to amend human trafficking legislation

Justice Minister Naomi Long has launched a consultation to amend human trafficking legislation.

Call to ease ‘rigid fiscal rules’ to support recovery

Finance Ministers from the devolved administrations are urging the UK Government to ease the financial restrictions imposed on devolved governments so they can better respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

Ní Chuilín welcomes £33m allocation of funds

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín, has welcomed the news that the Executive will receive £33million, following the announcement by the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport that they are to invest £1.57 billion in cultural, arts and heritage institutions.

Ministers announce free public transport for those fleeing domestic abuse

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon and Justice Minister Naomi Long have announced that free public transport travel will be available from today for those fleeing domestic abuse.