Executive Daily Update: Initiatives to deal with Coronavirus (10 July 2020)

Northern Ireland Executive ministers and their officials have over the past 24 hours been involved in a number of initiatives and critical decisions relating to the Coronavirus emergency.

Don’t think Leicester’s lockdown couldn’t happen here

We’ve heard it all before, haven’t we?
Wash our hands, keep our distance, follow the public health advice.

Economy Minister stresses the importance of investing in skills

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has reiterated the important role skills have to play in rebuilding Northern Ireland’s economy.

Current estimate of R Number

The Department of Health has published the current Covid-19 reproduction number.

Dates for Return to Competitive Sport and Indoor Sport announced

Following today’s Executive meeting it was announced that Competitive Sport can recommence from 11 July and indoor sports facilities can reopen from 17 July to accommodate the return of indoor sports.