New appointments and reappointments to the Historic Buildings Council

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has announced the appointment of the Chair and eight new members to the Historic Buildings Council following open competition:

Kaftrio to be made available for cystic fibrosis sufferers

Health Minister Robin Swann has agreed a multi-million pound deal to make Kaftrio available in Northern Ireland for the treatment of cystic fibrosis.

Report on the Northern Ireland food and drinks processing sector

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has published its annual publication, ‘Northern Ireland Food and Drinks Processing Report’ previously known as ‘Size and Performance of the Northern Ireland Food and Drinks Processing Sector, Subsector Statistics’.

Voluntary and Community organisations praised for COVID-19 response

Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots and Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín have visited Via Wings in Dromore to thank them and other voluntary and community groups, for their help during the COVID-19 crisis.

Minister Poots launches £1.7million rural business stimulus fund

Rural Affairs Minster Edwin Poots MLA has launched a £1.7 million stimulus fund to help rural and micro businesses expand, innovate and sustain rural communities.