Urgent intervention needed for Aerospace sector – Foster and O’Neill

First Minister Arlene Foster, deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill and Unite the Union have called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to urgently establish an Aerospace Taskforce.

Death in custody at Maghaberry Prison

The Northern Ireland Prison Service can confirm the death in custody of a 47-year-old prisoner at Maghaberry Prison. The death is not being treated as Covid related.

Road improvement scheme for Coleraine Road, Ballycastle

A £175,000 resurfacing scheme for Moyarget Road, Ballycastle will commence on Monday 21 September 2020.

£90,000 road improvement scheme at Colinmill, Dunmurry

A £90,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme at Colinmill, Dunmurry is due to commence on Monday 21 September 2020.

Weir announces 15 new nurture groups for primary schools

An investment of up to £4 million will be invested in new and existing nurture groups across Northern Ireland.