Executive extends restrictions to combat spread of Covid-19

The Executive has today agreed that current restrictions to combat the spread of Covid-19 should be extended across Northern Ireland.

Covid-19 press conference – 21 September 2020

The First Minister Arlene Foster and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill confirm that the Executive is extending restrictions to all households in NI from 6pm tomorrow to combat increasing levels of community transmission.

Minister encourages businesses to access support to prepare for EU Exit

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has encouraged businesses across Northern Ireland to access EU Exit support from Invest Northern Ireland and InterTradeIreland.

Minister opens £1Million Covid Safe Sports Pack Fund

Communities Minister Caral Ni Chuilin today announced the opening of a £1M fund to assist with the safe return to sport.

Road improvement scheme for Pond Park Road East, Lisburn 

A £290,000 road improvement scheme on the Pond Park Road East, Lisburn will commence on 28 September 2020.