Air Pollution in Northern Ireland 2019 released

‘Air Pollution in Northern Ireland 2019’ has been has been published today by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

Carbon intensity indicators published

Northern Ireland (NI) carbon intensity indicators 2020 are now available.

Murphy responds to Treasury Spending Review announcement

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy has expressed his disappointment that the Spending Review will only be for a one year period.

Ministers Poots and Swann Launch Rural Support’s New Winter Programme

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots and Health Minister Robin Swann have jointly launched Rural Support’s new Winter Programme 2020.

Appointment of the Education Advisor (Trustee) to the Board of W5 (Who,What,Where, When, Why)

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has appointed Edwin Paynter as the new Education Advisor (Trustee) to the Board of W5 from 1 October 2020 for a term of up to 4 years.