Children’s Social Care Statistics for Northern Ireland 2022/23

The Department of Health has today published ‘Children’s Social Care Statistics for Northern Ireland 2022/23’.

Statistics published on engagement of young people in culture, arts, heritage and sport

The Department for Communities (DfC) today released the publication ‘Engagement in culture, arts, heritage and leisure by young people in Northern Ireland’.

Department of Education publishes Every CHILD, its Corporate Plan for 2023-2028

The Department of Education has published Every CHILD, its Corporate Plan for 2023-28 which puts children and young people at the centre of its strategic priorities.

Launch of competition to appoint a Chair to Invest NI

The Department for the Economy has launched a public appointment competition to appoint a substantive Chair to the Board of Invest NI.

Extension of Chair and Members to the Historic Buildings Council

The Department for Communities has announced the extension of the first term of appointment for the Chair and seven Members of the Historic Buildings Council (HBC) from 1 July 2023 until a permanent reappointment is made: