Ministers call for an end to bypassing of Devolved Governments

Ministers from across the devolved governments have joined together to outline their concerns about the UK Government bypassing Devolved Governments and existing structures to allocate replacement EU funds.

Dodds announces new Co-Fund NI funding of over £16m to support SMEs

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today announced that Co-investment Fund (Co-Fund) NI is receiving additional funding of over £16m to support Northern Ireland SMEs.

Swann announces £1 million for the NI Air Ambulance

Health Minister Robin Swann has announced £1 million funding for Air Ambulance Northern Ireland.

Dublin-Belfast Corridor offers great economic potential – Murphy

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy has welcomed the launch of ‘The Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor: Current Profile, Potential for Recovery & Opportunities for Cooperation’ report.

Updated Advice for CEV People

A change in the advice for people who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) to Covid-19 is planned.