Poots considers money-back scheme on drinks bottles to tackle litter

A money-back scheme on drinks bottles to help increase recycling is being considered by Environment Minister Edwin Poots.

Hargey discusses long term needs of the Arts Sector

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey today met with the Arts Collaboration Network, an informal network of the main sector support organisations and a number of creative hubs across NI.

Mallon all-island collaboration and partnership is key to bringing about positive change

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon today called for all island collaboration when giving an address at the IBCAN launch of The Framework of Regional Priorities alongside Irish Government Ministers.

Poots visits area affected by 2017 North West flooding

Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots has visited a farming business in the Owenkillew river valley at the invitation of the UFU, to discuss the ongoing impacts of the August 2017 flooding in the area and subsequent land slippage.

Evaluation of Support Hubs in Northern Ireland published today

The Department of Justice (DoJ) today published a Research Bulletin into the Evaluation of Support Hubs in Northern Ireland.