Ministers attend Battle of the Somme commemoration
First Minister Paul Givan and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill have taken part in a special Somme Ceremony of Commemoration in Dublin to remember those who lost their lives in the battle.
First Minister Paul Givan and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill have taken part in a special Somme Ceremony of Commemoration in Dublin to remember those who lost their lives in the battle.
The Department of Health today published the next in the series of weekly results from its COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS).
Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey MLA and Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, TD today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cultural Heritage and Climate Action to support greater North-South co-operation in dealing with the impacts of climate change on built and archaeological heritage across the island.
The Health Minister Robin Swann has praised the contribution made by community pharmacists and GPs to the outstanding success of the vaccination programme.
Junior Minsters Declan Kearney and Gary Middleton have hailed the life-changing impact community-led health, educational and training projects are making in Urban Village areas.