Panel to undertake Independent review of education announced

Education Minister, Michelle McIlveen has announced the independent panel which will undertake the review of education.

Poots kicks off new pitch on rural recreation

DAERA Minister Edwin Poots MLA has today stressed the benefits of upgrading recreation facilities in rural areas during visits to Mid-Ulster.

Drinking water quality remains high across Northern Ireland

The safety and quality of drinking water in Northern Ireland remains high, a new report today confirmed.

Murphy urges Chancellor to extend Furlough scheme

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy has written to the Chancellor urging him to extend the furlough scheme beyond the end of September to help support businesses and workers.

Publication of Quarterly Carers’ Statistics for Northern Ireland (April – June 2021)

The Department of Health (DoH) has today published Quarterly Carers’ Statistics for Northern Ireland (April – June 2021).