Completed applications for Spend Local card passes 400,000

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons today described the response to the huge early demand for the Spend Local card as formidable.

Road realignment and new traffic signals for Banbridge town centre

A £400,000 road realignment and traffic signals scheme is due to commence in Banbridge town centre on Monday 11 October 2021.

Poots announces new £750k investment in Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme

Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots MLA has today announced that a new £750k tranche of the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme (RMCGS) will open for applications on Friday 1 October 2021.

Portal for Spend Local card applications open

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons today announced that the portal for applications to the High Street Scheme is now open. The Minister said: “This is a big day in the rollout of the High Street scheme. I am delighted to announce that the portal for applications for the Spend Local card has now opened.”

Mallon to review strategic planning policy on oil and gas development, including development involving fracking

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon MLA announced today that she is commencing a review of strategic planning policy on oil and gas development. The review will include consideration of unconventional hydrocarbon development, commonly referred to as fracking.