News story: Ministry of Defence confirms the death of Guardsman Mathew Talbot

It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the death of Guardsman Mathew Talbot.

News story: The grave of Private Frederick Foskett, Lancashire Fusilier, killed during the Great War rededicated a century later

The resting place of Private Frederick Foskett was honoured during a rededication service held at the Prowse Point Military Cemetery, Belgium.

News story: New Director Defence Innovation appointed at Ministry of Defence

Clare Cameron has been talking about her new role to oversee innovation across Defence

News story: Fourth Quick Reaction Alert Squadron for RAF Lossiemouth

RAF Lossiemouth welcomed a new, fourth operational Typhoon squadron to augment its mission to protect UK and NATO airspace today, Thursday, 2 May 2019.

News story: Two unknown soldiers given military burial a century after their deaths in the Great War

Two unknown soldiers have been laid to rest more than 100 years after they fell serving their county during World War 1.