Ed Davey announces new Lib Dem Spokespeople

Lib Dem Leader Ed Davey has announced a new team of spokespeople who will hold the Government to account and rebuild our party.

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My Bill to give coronavirus heroes the right to stay

Those who have put their lives at risk for our country are welcome to live in it.

Like the rest of our wonderful NHS and care staff, hundreds of thousands of people from other countries are on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, putting themselves in harm’s way to make sure we get the care we need.

We cannot thank them enough for the brave and tireless work they are doing in such difficult circumstances and under such intense pressure.

The Government has announced a one-year visa extension for around 3,000 health and care staff with visas due to expire before 1st October. However, this excludes many of those on the front lines, such as hospital porters, cleaners and social care workers.

Even those who are included will be forced to renew their visas next year – at a cost of around £700 per person – or leave the country. That’s not good enough.

The UK should say, loudly and unequivocally, that those who have put their lives at risk for our country are welcome to live in it. 

The idea that anyone who has worked so hard to save lives during this emergency might one day be forced to leave should be unthinkable.

That’s why the Liberal Democrats are fighting to give all NHS and care staff from other countries the right to stay in the UK. 

I’m tabling a Private Members’ Bill to grant them and their families the right to settle here

And today, I’m tabling a Private Members’ Bill to grant them and their families the right to settle here without the costs or bureaucratic hurdles that usually involves.

We’ve already secured support from MPs of other parties for our proposal, and I really hope the Government will back my Bill. 

It would be a small way to recognise and celebrate the enormous contributions that people from all over the world make to our NHS – and to our society, our economy and our communities more broadly.

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FCEC Update – August 2020

Party Reform

This month we received a report on progress against the Thornhill Report and we felt that the party was making good progress on some of the key points raised.

Whilst there is still much to do, there is a feeling that what we are setting in place will be good for the future. The Party is improving its ability to work across different parts of itself (HQ, ALDC, the States and Regions) and, despite the challenge of Coronavirus, is ploughing on with the reforms necessary to elect more Liberal Democrats.

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Reforming SAOs and AOs

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It is time for us to start listening.

I’d like to start by thanking my friend Layla Moran. Layla, you fought a passionate campaign, full of energy.

I’d like to start by thanking my friend Layla Moran.

Since becoming an MP, you have inspired so many people, particularly young people. Your future is bright and I look forward to you playing a big role in my team.

To members of the Liberal Democrats, thank you for putting your faith in me and giving me the honour of leading a party I joined 30 years ago.

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