All the motions you can vote on at Autumn Conference

Our first ever full online conference is set to be one of our biggest ever. I’m so proud that we’ve been able to keep costs low for members to attend, plus no cost of travel, accommodation, or buying all your meals out.

With a more accessible, affordable, and flexible conference, more members than ever will be able to have their say and vote on some of the fantastic policy motions coming up at Autumn Conference.

If you haven’t yet, you can book your place at conference here.

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Champing at the bit

I’m honoured to have been elected by my fellow MPs as Deputy Leader and I’m champing at the bit to get started.

Whilst Ed is touring the country listening to and reconnecting with voters, it’s going to be my role to help build a campaigning machine that will get us winning again at every level.

It’s going to be my role to help build a campaigning machine that will get us winning again at every level.

We won my seat, St Albans, in December – a seat we had never held before.

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Taking Care of the Party Finances and Planning for the Future

Our Remit

The Federal Finance and Resources Committee (FFRC) is responsible for the budget and finances of the Federal Party and overseeing the administration of the Party. A key element of its role is oversight of compliance with external regulatory bodies.

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Preparing for elections

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The Government must be stopped from breaking international law.

Liberal Democrat MPs have put forward measures to the Internal Market Bill that will remove controversial clauses that breach the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Respecting the rule of law is fundamental to any self-respecting Government.

The clauses in question allow the UK to unilaterally scrap “exit summary” forms for goods moving from Northern Ireland to Great Britain, and to apply UK state aid rules in Northern Ireland – contrary to what was agreed with the EU. A third clause seeks to protect the above changes from being considered unlawful.

In essence, the Government is trying to break the Withdrawal Agreement and putting the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland at risk.

Instead of ensuring the smooth running of the UK internal market, the Conservatives have sowed tensions between Westminster and the devolved administrations – and have even gone as far as breaking an internationally binding treaty.

Respecting the rule of law is fundamental to any self-respecting Government. This sends the wrong message to the British public at a time when obeying the rules is critical on the Covid front.

The Government should be prioritising securing the best possible deal to protect our economy rather than posturing and blackmailing the EU by threatening to renege on existing commitments.

This sends the wrong message to the British public at a time when obeying the rules is critical on the Covid front.

All this does is fan the flames of nationalism at home and weaken the UK’s standing abroad.

There couldn’t be a more irresponsible and damaging handling of Brexit.

The Government must drop its breaches of international law and negotiate with the EU in good faith. It will be British workers and businesses that will pay for Boris Johnson’s brazen tactics.

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