Getting the party organisation in shape ahead of the 2021 elections

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Getting the party organisation in shape ahead of the 2020 elections

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Here’s how our online conference will work:

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This government’s test and trace shambles

On May 20th, Boris Johnson declared that the UK would have a ‘world-beating’ coronavirus test, track and trace system in place by June 1st. Instead, four months later the UK is facing a testing crisis.

The British public are confronting the reality that we may be facing a second wave of coronavirus with a test and trace system that is just inadequate. It is unacceptable.

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The ‘Clap for Flick’

Every day Liberal Democrat councillors are working hard to help their communities across the country. 

We understand that often the most meaningful change happens at a local level.  That’s why we have such a strong record in local and community politics.

We’re so proud to have hardworking local councillors like Flick striving to deliver real change for people in their area. Thanks Flick!

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