The UK and Europe

The Liberal Democrats fought long and hard to Stop Brexit.

And our values have not changed. At every step of the Brexit process, we have been clear and outspoken in our position that Britain is better off within the EU. We will always stand firm in our pro-European, internationalist values because we know, we are so much better off together than we will ever be alone.

It is our duty to work across the divides of Leave and Remain, to protect the influence, reputation, safety and security of our country

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Willie Rennie’s Speech to Autumn Conference

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An opportunity to rebuild for people and the planet

The climate emergency is one of the biggest issues facing the UK and the world, but our Government is failing to face up to it.

Social distancing, face coverings, and ‘bubbles’ may be our new normal – but climate change doesn’t have to be

While coronavirus rightly dominated the headlines, the Government has let what little it was doing to protect the planet slip. Even when the country came to a near standstill during lockdown, our emissions only fell by between 4-7%. It’s clear we need to be much more ambitious if we’re going to really tackle the climate crisis.

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Layla Moran’s Speech to Autumn Conference

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Save the BBC

A strong, politically independent BBC plays a key role in our democracy, our creative industries, and our daily lives. The Conservatives are putting that at risk.

The Conservatives’ war with the BBC is no secret. Dominic Cumming’s think tank described the BBC as the Conservatives’ “mortal enemy”. This Government has forced the cost of free licenses for over-75s onto the BBC.

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