EU Negotiations Chaos: We shouldn’t be in this situation

Boris Johnson’s chaotic and confused approach to Brexit is putting British jobs and our future at risk.

We shouldn’t be in this situation.

But Johnson didn’t do his homework. He’s making a mess of EU negotiations just like he’s made a mess of his coronavirus response.

The British people deserve better.


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3 million people are still excluded from Government support this Christmas

It’s outrageous that nine months on from the Chancellor’s announcements on coronavirus support, there are still 3 million people excluded from Government financial help.

As we move forward, the Government risks leaving the Excluded behind

These people are slipping through the cracks. As we move forward and seek to recover from coronavirus, the Government risks leaving them behind.

This is made so much harder during the Christmas period.

After such a dreadful year, families across Britain are seeking respite in the holiday season.

Christmas should be a time of celebration, family, and togetherness. A welcome break from the terrible worries over coronavirus and the economic situation.

That’s why it’s so important that we keep putting pressure on the Government to do the right thing and extend support for the excluded.

Millions of self employed people have been left out in the cold by this Government. Rishi Sunak has had time to fix the situation, but he hasn’t taken action.

These are ordinary people trying to make ends meet. They include taxi drivers, hairdressers, cleaners, childcare providers and millions of other self-employed people.

No one expects the Government to have all the answers.

But after months of this gross injustice, what possible excuse can the Conservatives have for leaving 3 million hardworking taxpayers with no help during this pandemic?

They deserve better.

Liberal Democrats will keep fighting for the excluded.

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London in Tier 3: Necessary, but Avoidable

I am so frustrated that only weeks after coming out of national lockdown we are going back into further restrictions.

Going into Tier 3 has unfortunately become necessary – but it didn’t have to be this way

My heart goes out to all Londoners who will be feeling the impact of this, whether through ruined plans with family and friends or work grinding to a halt.

With the virus once again spreading rapidly across our city, going into Tier Three has unfortunately become necessary.

But it didn’t have to be this way.

Make no mistake, the Government’s failure to get a proper test, trace and isolate system in place, along with the mess it’s made of public communications, are the reasons why we are where we are.

Many businesses in London, especially in the hardest hit sectors like hospitality, will be wondering if they can afford to ever open again.

The Government must rescue businesses that are at risk of going under through no fault of their own. They have worked incredibly hard and made costly adjustments to keep the public safe. They must be supported so that they can survive the winter.

The Government has continually failed to deliver a test and trace system that is up to scratch.

With the prospect of a new strain of coronavirus spreading faster than ever, mass testing becomes all the more essential. From day one of this crisis, the Government knew that test and trace would be key to opening up the economy and allowing people to live more freely. But it has continually failed to deliver a system that is up to scratch.

In the capital, there is an alternative way forward on mass testing.

The Government can put its trust in London’s scientific community, cut the red tape, and simply provide the funds for it to deliver decentralised testing at scale. Instead of jumping through Whitehall hoops, we can get testing centres set up rapidly in the places we need it most – from bus depots to schools.

The vaccine rollout may have begun, but urgent action is still needed to protect Londoners’ lives and livelihoods. The Government must fix the test and trace mess and provide proper financial support to businesses and individuals to avoid more unnecessary job losses.

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The Government must act now to protect high streets

During the pandemic when so many are already struggling to get by, unemployment has and will continue to have a devastating impact. 

This Government’s failure to get a grip on the virus has seen tens of thousands of livelihoods lost, and these extra job losses means thousands more families wondering how they’re going to put food on the table.

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It’s time for young carers to get the support they deserve

As Carers Representative for the Young Liberals, my reaction to the Liberal Democrats’ decision to focus on carers has been a mixture of relief, pride, and tentative excitement.

I have been a carer for my mother since 2009, when I was 14 years old.

It’s refreshing to see a political party put unpaid carers centre stage, especially after what feels like years of being brushed aside. I’m pleased that the party is focussing on Carers’ Allowance in particular, since I’ve been personally campaigning for its improvement since 2014.

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