We’ve re-affirmed our commitment to Europe

At our conference today Liberal Democrat members have voted to update our party’s policy on Europe and reaffirm our commitment to a closer relationship with our friends and neighbours on the continent.

The motion they’ve passed:

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Meet Stephen Williams

The next Mayor of the West of England will need to be ready to face new challenges. From rebuilding the economy after coronavirus and Brexit, to and tackling the greatest challenge of our generation – the climate emergency.

If I am the next mayor of the West of England, I am determined that the region will have a carbon-neutral economy by 2030. To meet that ambitious goal – I’m ready to transform our region.

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In Scotland, we are putting recovery first

The Liberal Democrats are going to grow in strength on Thursday 6th May.

We are going to gain more MSPs in the election because we have a powerful message: Put Recovery First.

We are going to grow because we have a fantastic team of candidates who will make excellent MSPs.

We are going to grow because we have a record of action – making a difference in parliament and beyond.

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Meet Simon Lepori

The mayor of Greater Manchester wields a huge amount of power. The mayor has control over police and crime, over the fire service, planning and housing policy, transport, culture, sports and manages a nearly £6.2 billion health and social care budget. It’s a big job.

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Meet Aidan Van de Weyer

Whilst Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are largely rural areas, they are also home to dynamic and outward-looking bioscience and high-tech industries.

We’ve been held back for decades by lacklustre Conservative rule. But this year we have an opportunity to change that.

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