Protecting the Right to Protest

The Home Secretary’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would seriously restrict individuals’ right to protest. Protesting is a basic human right and enables people to have their voices heard.

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Safely Reopening Schools

On the 8th March 2021, schools and colleges in England re-opened, in full, to 10 million people. Yet the Government has not taken nearly enough steps to make sure they are safe for pupils and teachers. We are calling for additional measures to enable schools to fully reopen safety.

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NHS Staff should get the Pay Rise they Deserve

The Conservative Government’s offer of a 1% pay rise is an insult to the hard working NHS staff who have worked tirelessly to keep us and our loved ones safe.

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Youth standing up to racism

This year, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimnation focuses on youth standing up to racism. I am proud that the Young Liberals, the youth and student wing of the Liberal Democrats, are working to tackle racial discrimination in all of its forms.

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Safeguarding our Democracy from Russian Interference

Vladimir Putin and his government are a threat to the UK’s national security. And it’s shocking that this Conservative Government has turned a blind eye to Russia – rather than protect our democracy.

That’s why Liberal Democrat members have passed a motion demanding action following the 2020 Russia Report.

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