My Vision for Britain

At our Liberal Democrat Spring Conference today, I outlined my vision for building a Fairer, Greener and More Caring country by putting recovery first. Take a look at my commitments here:

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It didn’t have to be this way

Students at schools and universities across the country have experienced massive disruption to their education throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

So many young people have not had access to an adequate computer or internet connection at home, and for those who depend on accessible educational materials, such as large print, audio and Braille – these resources have been severely lacking.

Students have experienced a massive disruption to their education.

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A new face for fundraising

It’s a bittersweet moment for the party as we thank Mike German for his outstanding years as Party Treasurer and see him pass on the mantle.

Responsible for fundraising initiatives for the Federal Liberal Democrats and our major political and general election campaigns, the role of Treasurer has been, and is, critical to our survival and success.

That in mind, it is with great enthusiasm that we welcome Tilly McAuliffe to the role of Treasurer.

You may recognise Tilly from her 2018 Autumn Conference win of the Harriet Smith Distinguished Service Award, her success as Chair of the Lib Dem Business & Entrepreneurs Network (2015-21), her efforts while on the London Region Executive, her work with the Lib Dem Creative Network, or fundraising campaigns old and new. At ground level, she is especially well-known among our Brent team, and she has run for the party twice. Whenever I’ve crossed her path in the party, she’s always been a bundle of passion, ideas and expertise.

Just as important as her credentials in the party, Tilly brings an outstanding entrepreneurial career and huge amounts of energy.

As the co-founder of Think Publishing and Think Travel, Tilly has, over 21 years, built two thriving businesses, with 70 employees, and offices in London and Glasgow.

At Board level, Tilly sits as a non-executive director of Welbeck Publishing Group, and the Professional Publishers Association. Outside industry, she is a trustee of the think tank Demos and sits on the development board of the National Youth Theatre of Great Britain.

Tilly is, notably, the first woman, to hold the post of Party Treasurer: a fact for celebration and a reminder that we must all keep working to make the party truly equal from top to bottom.

Tilly was elected by the Federal Board and more information about her role can be found in article 20.4 of the Federal Constitution.

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Leading the way in International Development

4.5 million fewer children with adequate education, 5.6 million fewer children a year immunised, 100,000 more preventable deaths. This cannot be the legacy of the UK’s development policy.

The Conservative Government has reneged on its manifesto pledge and cut spending on international aid from 0.7% to 0.5% of Gross National Income (GNI). That may sound like a small change, but the difference is billions of pounds in funding withheld from the countries that need it most, and thousands of lives are already being impacted

The UK’s moral authority is going up in flames. This is not our Britain.

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Here’s how we create a society that works for people with autism.

Autism is a part of daily life for 2.8 million people in the UK. The Liberal Democrats want to see substantial changes to make sure every individual with autism can achieve their full potential.

We believe that the government should do everything in its power to support the millions of autistic people living in the UK. Currently, that is not the case.

We have to do more to create a society that works for people with autism.

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