Unpaid carers mustn’t be ignored any longer

People looking after their loved ones too often feel forgotten.

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Have your say on the disciplinary process

We want your views on how to improve the party’s independent complaints process.

Any organisation with a hundred thousand members will have conflicts: what matters is how we deal with them. Wherever possible the process needs to be quick and effective – and it must always be transparent, fair and independent of political influence. It is key that if someone actions are damaging to other party members or members of the public, they can’t expect to be protected by who they know or what role they hold in the party. 

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Happy Pride Month

Pride Month is a time of LGBTQ+ celebration, activism and commemoration.

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Something special is happening in Chesham and Amersham

The campaign is growing rapidly and this is a seat with a lot of potential.

We came a strong second here in 2019. We have lots of local representation and a base of voters we can build on.

And the reception on the doors has been phenomenal.

We need you to play your part:

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The Conservatives are failing to protect nature

The Conservatives’ Environment Bill will fail to protect British nature and our beautiful landscapes.

We are already living in one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. Our waterways are in a poor condition with just 14% in good condition. More than 40% of native species are in decline.

This is an embarrassment – as the Government claims to be increasing ambition and pushing for nature-based solutions in the run-up to both COP26 and the Convention on Biological Diversity, we’re failing to get our own house in order.

More than 40% of native species are in decline.”

We must significantly increase our protections for nature and biodiversity in this country, including our Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We need a strong independent body with the powers and resources to hold the Government to account.

Alongside the Environment Bill being debated today, the Government have proposed a mass change to planning law. The Bill would deny Councils the ability to block new developments for environmental reasons. The Conservatives’ plans would rip power away from communities and silence local environmental groups to allow developers to build as they please.

The Conservatives’ plans would rip power away from communities

We should have expected nothing less from a party which has taken over £11 million in donations from developers.

That’s why I tabled an amendment to stop reckless developments harming nature and reducing biodiversity.

My amendment would give real teeth to the currently toothless Environment Bill and arm Councils with the power to protect wildlife and green spaces. The Conservatives voted against giving communities extra power to protect nature and improve biodiversity.


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