Liberal Democrats


Beyond Rwanda: A Fairer Way Forward on Asylum

In the ongoing saga of the Conservative Government’s Rwanda asylum scheme, the truth is clear: it’s destined to fail.  This policy is immoral, unworkable and extortionately expensive for the taxpayer. And it betrays our country’s proud tradition of offering sanctuary … read more

The Death of Alexei Navalny

The death of Alexei Navalny on 16 February 2024. at the hands of Vladimir Putin is a shocking and harrowing tragedy. Navalny’s widow, Yulia Navalnaya, has said that Navalny was ‘tortured, starved, cut off and killed by Putin’. Putin’s despicable … read more

Tackling Persistent Absence

The number of children persistently absent from school has doubled, with around one in five young people now missing 10% or more of their lessons. And rates of persistent absence are even higher among disadvantaged backgrounds, children with mental health … read more

Are you drinking what we’re drinking?

Untreated sewage is pouring into UK waters more than 1,000 times a day. Between 2020 and 2022, England’s water companies used storm overflows over a million times, totalling a shocking 7.5 million hours. Millions of litres of water are lost … read more