Biggest rise in food prices in 3 years from Brexit squeeze

Food prices saw the biggest increase for three years in the year to March, figures from the Office for National Statistics have revealed.

Government must bring back sensible rules on term-time holidays

The Supreme Court has found in favour of a local authority that has fined a parent for taking his daughter on holiday during term-time.

UK passports should allow 'X' as an alternative to 'male' or 'female'

UK passports should allow people to define themselves as “X” as an alternative to male or female, Stonewall have said today.

Tim Farron welcomes EU funding to help UK's flood hit areas

Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal Democrats, has welcomed the news that the European Parliament will today approve the grant to the UK to repair damage caused by the floods in 2015.

Labour fail to back Lib Dem bid to kill Tory restrictions to disability benefit

A Liberal Democrat motion designed to kill the Government’s attempts to severely restrict disability benefits has been lost after Labour peers failed to support it.