Public show their backing for Liberal Democrat clean air plan

A new survey for The Independent has found the majority of the public is now in favour of banning the most-polluting vehicles from city centres.

Some 51 per cent of respondents agreed with this suggestion, with only 15 per cent against and the remainder not expressing a view, pollsters ORB said.

Commenting on the reports which shows the public back the Liberal Democrat policy of banning the most-polluting cars from city centres, Liberal Democrat Shadow Transport Secretary Jenny Randerson said: “The air we allow our children to breathe is toxic and is leading to a national health crisis.

“If our water was as contaminated as the air we breathe the Tories would have been forced to take this seriously. Instead they are plying more dirt into the air and pushing through Heathrow expansion with no serious attempts to address the illegal emissions that are endangering people.

“Only the Liberal Democrats are committed to phasing out diesel vehicles and compensating drivers. We want to give all our children a brighter future in a fairer Britain, cleaning up our air will be a move in the right direction.”

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Liberal Democrats lead campaign against Theresa May’s cruel dementia tax

Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal Democrats, has launched a national movement calling on people, irrespective of their party affiliation, to stop the Conservatives’ planned Dementia Tax.

It comes alongside Liberal Democrat research that reveals that across England, 9 out 10 homes could be eligible for sale to meet Theresa May’s Dementia Tax.

Tim Farron is writing to key organisations about the campaign, including David Cameron as President of Alzheimer’s Research UK.

Writing to the leaders of leading health and older peoples’ charities, Tim Farron said: “The measure of a Government is how they treat the most vulnerable in our society. I don’t think that the Conservatives are unaware of the impact of their plans but they chose to ignore the human cost.

“Every elderly person that needs care should receive it in the best place for them and not be fearful of those mounting, limitless costs. I am determined that we ensure that Theresa May drops the so-called ‘Dementia Tax’ and implement a cap on the cost of care.

“Caring for our elderly must be above party politics and that is why I want to urge anyone who opposes the Conservatives’ plans to come together to stop it.

“We must resist this plan and challenge would-be Conservative MPs to reject and stop it.

“As a first step, I am urging people to sign up at to help. I hope you will urge the supporters of your organisation to do the same. Together we can stop the so-called ‘Dementia’ Tax.”

Sign up against the dementia tax

Why Labour’s pledges on NHS and pensions are meaningless

An announcement by the Labour Party that it would invest £45bn in the NHS and social care over five years as well as protect pensions could be rendered meaningless by Brexit, Liberal Democrats have said.

Treasury analysis from 2016 estimated that the form of Brexit supported by the Labour and Conservative parties – a negotiated bilateral agreement as opposed to membership of the single market – would rob public services of £36bn EACH YEAR. A botched Brexit could cost the Exchequer up to £45 billion a year. The government has neither formally rejected this analysis nor commissioned new figures since the referendum.

Susan Kramer, Liberal Democrat Business spokesperson, said: “In the biggest fight for the future of our country in a generation, Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour has let down those who need a strong NHS and a secure pension by voting with Theresa May on Brexit – not against her. Jeremy Corbyn ordered his MPs to vote in favour of Article 50 despite the Government making no concessions to them whatsoever, including on staying in the single market.

“Over the course of a parliament, Labour would have to find many times the amount they are promising on the NHS and social care just to pay its Brexit bill. But with trade with Europe set to be hit by an extreme Brexit, how could this be delivered?

“That’s why Liberal Democrats will give the people a chance to change Britain’s future by letting them reject a bad Brexit deal, putting a penny on income tax to rescue the NHS and social care, and reversing Theresa May’s heartless cuts to school funding.”

Lib Dems replace TV Election Broadcast with personal message from Tim Farron

The Liberal Democrats have withdrawn their Party Election Broadcast that was due to air on BBC One in England this evening.  The party is replacing it with a heartfelt, personal and non-political message from leader Tim Farron following the heinous attack in Manchester on Monday.

In the emotive and deeply personal message, recorded yesterday, he reflects on his experience of visiting Manchester for the vigil in Albert Square on Tuesday night.

He goes on to talk of his love for Manchester, which he describes as ‘his capital’ having grown up in Lancashire, about the people he met there on Tuesday and the human acts of kindness and solidarity in response to the atrocity. He also says that while those who died will be remembered, the terrorist who killed them ‘died in vain’ attempting to divide a community that has rallied together instead.

He ends by quoting the poet Tony Walsh, who spoke at the vigil, saying that we are ‘all Manchester’ and ‘all Britain’, “whether we were born here or drawn here”.

Liberal Democrats suspend campaigning after Manchester tragedy

Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal Democrats, has announced that the party has suspended all national campaigning until further notice. Tim was due to fly to Gibraltar today as part of the general election campaign but has cancelled the trip.

Tim Farron said: “The country is united in grief after this devastating terror attack. Just as the country is focusing all its thoughts on the victims and their families, so politicians should come together in solidarity and respect for the innocent people caught up in this vile attack.

“The emergency services have shown the highest levels of bravery and professionalism and deserve our deepest thanks.

“The Liberal Democrats will suspend all national campaigning until further notice.”