Tim Farron wins the BBC TV debate

Tim Farron came out on top of tonight’s debate showing that he is the voice for those people who want a brighter future than Theresa May’s cold, mean-spirited vision for Britain.

He will stand up for the people of Britain on Brexit, the NHS and schools.

Ed Davey, Liberal Democrat Campaign Spokesperson, said: “Tim Farron is a leader with principles and passion.”

“Tim showed that he has the determination to stand up to the Conservatives over their dementia tax, their cuts to the NHS and schools and to their extreme version of Brexit that will cost jobs and put up prices.

“Unlike Jeremy Corbyn, Theresa May and Paul Nuttall, Tim trusts the people on Brexit and will give them the final say on the Brexit deal, not the politicians.

“Tim Farron showed that he is the voice for those people who want a brighter future than Theresa May’s cold, mean-spirited vision for Britain. He will stand up for people like you on Brexit, the NHS and schools.

“Theresa May was the big loser tonight. The fact that Theresa May wasn’t here tonight tells you exactly what she thinks about you. She is taking you for granted.

“Jeremy Corbyn voted for Brexit alongside UKIP and the Conservatives. He has written Theresa May a blank cheque to do as she pleases.”

Why isn’t Theresa May challenging Trump on climate change? The future of the planet depends on it.

As the Lib Dem Climate Change Secretary, I think it’s an utter disgrace that Trump is preparing to withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Agreement. He clearly has utter contempt for science and the planet.

What’s also disgraceful is Theresa May’s failure to challenge him. Where are the Conservatives’ priorities? Where’s their foresight? Where’s their courage?

The Liberal Democrats are calling on Theresa May to urgently speak out and oppose Donald Trump’s planned withdrawal. Why?

Because the deal was the result of two decades of international negotiations – a huge positive step forward for the future of humanity. And now, because of political insanity and cowardice, it’s on the brink of unravelling. This could be a disaster for our environment and a betrayal of every generation to come.

It’s time for Theresa May to speak out. She must join the Liberal Democrats and the global scientific community, in condemning President Trump publicly.

This is too important for Britain to stay silent.

If you support our progressive policies on the environment, vote Lib Dem on 8th June.

I’m backing you

Thank you,

Ed Davey

Theresa May must turn up to the TV debate

Theresa May called this election, but now won’t even turn up to debate the issues. I think her elusiveness, just like her policies, demonstrates her utter lack of regard for the British people.

She’s clearly terrified of having to defend the cruel and heartless policies in the Conservative manifesto, 20 of which she’s said she’ll review AFTER the election.

This is simply not good enough.

From Brexit to the Dementia Tax, to restricting winter fuel payments and capping energy bills, Theresa May is keeping us in the dark on these issues. What is she plotting? How cold and mean-spirited will her vision for Britain become? The British people deserve to know.

The more Liberal Democrat MPs are elected, the more we can hold Theresa May to account on her yet-to-be finalised policies.

If you support us in our bold opposition, vote Lib Dem on 8th June.

Thank you,

Tim Farron

Nick Clegg: May is snatching lunches from 250,000 children living in poverty

The figures, which have been broken down by constituency and local authority, show 260 children living in poverty are set to lose out in Theresa May’s constituency of Maidenhead.

It comes as Nick Clegg is set to unveil a new, hard-hitting poster attacking Theresa May’s decision to scrap free school lunches.

The Liberal Democrats have also calculated that under Conservative costings of just under 7p per child’s breakfast, each child could expect to receive either half a boiled egg, one slice of bread with 12 baked beans or 37.5 cornflakes and 100ml of semi-skimmed milk.

Commenting on the figures, Nick Clegg said:

“Theresa May’s cruel and illogical decision to take away free, hot lunches for all infants will hurt hundreds of thousands of Britain’s poorest children.

“It’s clear that the reintroduction of means-testing for school lunches will mean many children losing out on what could be the only hot, nutritious meal that they receive each day.

“Theresa May is not only risking the health of some of our youngest children, but she will also create terrible inequality in the classroom.

“The Conservatives’ cynical promise of a free breakfast is clearly not designed to reach all children because they have set aside a meagre 7p per breakfast per child. That’s the price of half a boiled egg or just one slice of bread with 12 baked beans.

“Theresa May insists she wants to govern for everyone. But her regressive cutting of free school lunches is clear evidence she is prepared to ignore some of the poorest and most vulnerable children in our society.

“Just because the youngest don’t vote, it doesn’t mean that Theresa May should simply cast them aside.”

Ryanair Brexit warning shows risk of “no deal” for UK travellers

He also warned that Theresa May’s plans to leave the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice would mean Britain will leave the Open Skies agreement which governs flights between the UK and Europe.

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron said:

“This is the reality of Theresa May’s extreme version of Brexit and insistence we could just crash out of the EU without a deal.

“Jobs could be lost, flights disrupted and British travellers’ lives thrown into chaos, but Theresa May doesn’t care.

“We will fight for a better deal on Europe and to give people a chance to reject a disastrous Brexit.

“The British people should be able to decide whether Theresa May’s Brexit deal is right for them, with the choice to remain in the EU if they don’t like what’s on offer.”