Lib Dems announce £17bn fund to fix schools and hospitals

Headteachers today are forced to use money that should be dedicated for books, teachers and equipment to fix leaking roofs and crumbling buildings. The new infrastructure fund would give an extra £7bn for schools in England, enough to repair every school to allow them to focus spending on education rather than maintenance.

Another £10bn would be allocated to hospitals over the lifetime of the next parliament, helping address a £5bn delayed backlog in delayed repairs to NHS buildings and infrastructure. This investment would help transform the NHS – repairing run-down hospitals, bringing them up to date with modern technology and building new infrastructure to reduce overcrowding. It would contrast with the £350m for the Conservatives committed to repairs in the NHS in 2015-2016.

NHS and education plans

The infrastructure fund would be in addition to the extra £7bn the Liberal Democrats have committed to invest in schools over the next parliament; and the £6bn more a year the party would invest in NHS and social care.

Liberal Democrat Shadow Education Secretary Sarah Olney said: “Under Theresa May’s Conservatives, our children are being taught in crumbling schools and our sick and elderly are being cared for in overcrowded hospitals.

“It doesn’t have to be like this. We will invest an additional £7bn in our schools, enough to repair every school in the country.

“This will allow school budgets to be spent on books, teachers and equipment instead of being diverted to fix leaking roofs.

“This week, you can elect Liberal Democrat MPs who will stand up for you on the NHS, schools and Brexit.”

Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary Norman Lamb said: “We have seen with the recent cyber-attack how inadequate the existing infrastructure is for many hospitals.

“Under the Conservatives, money that is intended for capital investment is being diverted to plug holes in day-to-day spending. This cannot be allowed to go on.

“We will invest an additional £10bn of capital spending in the NHS to fix our run-down hospitals, reduce overcrowding and build a modernise our health service.

“This is on top of the £6bn a year for the NHS and care we would raise by putting a penny on income tax.”

Paddy Ashdown launches Theresa May “flip flop” poster

Launching the poster across social networks, Paddy Ashdown said:

“In her brief tenure as Prime Minister, and particularly during the car crash of a general election campaign, Theresa May has been shown to be one of the least consistent and weakest of modern day Prime Ministers. She has flip flopped on Europe having campaigned to remain and now pushing for an extreme Brexit, as she has on raising National Insurance for the self-employed and most recently on whether to have a cap in her disastrous manifesto commitment on the Dementia Tax. As we approach this monumentally important election, there has never been a greater need for Liberal Democrats in parliament.’

Liberal Democrats launch Young People’s Manifesto

Join the real voice of opposition to this Conservative Brexit Government today – join the Liberal Democrats:

Theresa May’s failed record on policing and tackling foreign funding of extremism

Theresa May says “enough is enough” – but she forced through the cuts that lost us thousands of armed police and community officers.

As Home Secretary, she even accused the police of crying wolf over the impact of her cuts – and their fears that the public were being put in danger.

The truth is the Conservatives have failed to properly fund our police. Between 2010 and 2016 19% of Authorised Firearms Officers were cut – that’s more than 1300 officers.

The Liberal Democrats would provide our police with £300m extra funding a year. We’re choosing to fund the police properly, while the Conservatives prioritise a corporation tax cut.

Since the London attacks, Theresa May has accused technology companies of providing a safe space for terrorist ideology online – but by posturing instead of working with companies like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, she’s failing to keep us safe.

Tim Farron says we must protect our freedoms – instead of restricting the internet like China or North Korea:

“If we turn the internet into a tool for censorship and surveillance, the terrorists will have won. We won’t make ourselves safer by making ourselves less free. Instead of mass surveillance, the Liberal Democrats will invest in police and local intelligence-gathering that helps keep communities safe.”

Astonishingly, instead of levelling with the British public about foreign funding for extremists, the Conservatives are still choosing to protect their allies in Saudi Arabia.

The Liberal Democrats demanded a report into foreign funding of extremism in Britain in 2015 – a demand David Cameron agreed to when he was Prime Minister.

We have repeated our call for the report to be made public, but today Conservative Minister Karen Bradley refused to say whether it would be published, saying it was more important to “work with our friends and allies” in the Middle East.

We believe the British people deserve to know the truth behind the funding of extremism in our country, so we can confront this issue head on.

Tim Farron says the Conservatives are making the wrong choices in the fight to protect our lives and freedoms against those who threaten us:

“In the choices we make, we should provide the resources necessary for those who keep us safe to do their jobs with the powers they have been given. We need to guard the hard-won liberties that define us as a country. If we make the wrong choices, those who seek to change our way of life have won.”

Vote Lib Dem on 8th June.

Tim Farron’s statement on the London attacks

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, and I would like to pay tribute to the emergency services for their professional response in such terrible circumstances.

The terrorists kill us because they hate us and what we stand for. They hate our democracy and our freedom. We refuse to let them win. We must respond with a vigorous commitment to our democracy.

The election must go ahead as planned. It is right that we suspend our national campaigning for a short while out of respect for those affected by these tragic events, but local campaigning can and must continue.

The remainder of this campaign must be a collective showing of defiance and pride in our democratic values.