Jeremy Corbyn ruling out Single Market is betrayal of future generations

Jeremy Corbyn has ruled out membership of the Single Market, claiming on the Andrew Marr Show today that it is dependent on membership of the EU.

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Ambitious for our country; ambitious for our party – Vince Cable’s Leadership Manifesto

Vince Cable, the new Leader of the Liberal DemocratsI want to lead the Liberal Democrats because I am ambitious about our future.

I believe we are the only party that can represent the millions of liberal-minded people alarmed by the direction this country is taking: people, whether they voted remain or leave, who hate the intolerance, xenophobia and division that the Brexit vote unleashed.

I want the Liberal Democrats to be at the centre of political life: a credible, effective party of national and local government, and a voice of sanity on Europe.

To achieve this, we will have to fight for every vote and every seat.

It can be done: we have a record membership and the enormous energy that thousands of new members have brought to the party.

I believe I have the ability to give that energy a lead, to hit the headlines and to put our party at the centre of political debate.


Vince Cable

Leader of the Liberal Democrats

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Swinson: BBC gender pay gap should be a wake-up call

Figures published today have shown that of the 108 people at the BBC who earn more than £150,000, just 34 are women.

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OBR warns of £36bn Brexit hit to public finances

The Office for Budgetary Responsibility (OBR) has warned that even a small hit to productivity caused by Brexit could cause a £97bn hit to the UK economy in the long-term, reducing tax receipts by £36 billion.

Wera Hobhouse MP’s speech on Grenfell Tower fire

One month on from this tragedy, there is no less pain for the victims and their families, no less fear, and no less anger over the failings of the political system.

Wera Hobhouse MP