Government must keep its word on fire safety money

According to reports today several councils are now petitioning the Government for financial help to address fire safety issues following the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

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Ministers are risking a Brexit brain-drain

A Russell Group report published today shows that this government is failing higher education.

The report identifies ten areas where ministers should give clarity to EU nationals seeking settled status.

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Mental health discharge waits a “humanitarian disgrace”

Figures on mental health delayed discharges released today are a “humanitarian disgrace”.

The shocking new figures revealed that people have had to wait over a thousand days to be let out of a mental health unit after being declared ready to leave.

Shocking new figures revealed that people have had to wait over a thousand days to be let out of a mental health unit.

Norman Lamb MP

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Gove hypocrisy on fisheries exposed

Michael Gove has said that British waters would continue to be fished by EU trawlers post-Brexit. 

Gove made his experiences of the fishing industry growing up in Aberdeen a major reason for his support for Brexit.

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Our mental health system isn’t fit for purpose

As a health minister, I was proud to make sure mental health was at the top of the political agenda, but today’s judgement by Sir James Munby highlights how much work there is still to do on the lack of mental health provision in critical cases.

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