Labour leadership must end infatuation with Venezuela

Today’s statement by Jeremy Corbyn on Venezuela is a disgrace.

Labour have yet again failed to condemn President Maduro as he slides his country closer to dictatorship.

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UK’s weekly payment to EU half the £350m Brexiteers claimed

New Treasury figures have revealed that the UK made a net payment of roughly £156m a week to the European Union in 2016/17, the lowest level for five years.

Treasury figures suggest the UK’s net contribution to the EU budget for the 12 months to March 2017 was £8.1bn, or around £156m a week.

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The Government is trying to claim credit for EU rules

Today, the Government announced their draft Data Protection bill – which includes a raft of measures that will improve all our privacy online.

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Sir Simon Fraser comments show Govt’s shambolic approach to Brexit

“We haven’t put forward a lot because, as we know, there are differences within the cabinet about the sort of Brexit that we are heading for and until those differences are further resolved I think it’s very difficult for us to have a clear position.”

Sir Simon Fraser, the Permanent Secretary at the Foreign Office until 2015

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The Government doesn’t have a plan A – let alone a plan B.

Today’s calls by Mervyn King, former governor of the Bank of England, for the government to come up with a “Brexit fallback” if negotiations with the EU27 end with no deal should be a wake-up call to this Conservative Brexit Government.

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