Letter reveals David Davis is putting UK on path to ruin

David Davis’ letter to the Lords EU Committee and the comments of his former Chief of Staff reveal he is putting UK on path to ruin.

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Chief Executive Officer Tim Gordon leaving the Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats thanked the party’s Chief Executive Tim Gordon today after he announced that he was stepping down after five years in the role.


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Government must take financial instability warnings seriously

Sam Woods, chief executive of the Prudential Regulation Authority, has warned of a ‘cliff edge’ for financial systems.

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Government plans to limit EU Arrest Warrants are threat to national security

The Liberal Democrats have warned that government plans to limit the scope of the European Arrest Warrant are a threat to Britain’s national security.

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Neuberger ECJ warning shows Government leaving judges in firing line on Brexit

Today Supreme Court President Lord Neuberger has warned that UK judges need more clarity over the role of the ECJ after Brexit – and he is right.

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