Shambolic that Northern Ireland Brexit paper announced by a Government source

Using an anonymous government source to announce an official position paper on the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is shambolic.

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Six questions David Davis must answer on Customs Union

Today, I’ve challenged David Davis to answer six questions over plans set out on future customs arrangements after Brexit.

The government is offering two ways forward but won’t tell us which it prefers. That’s no doubt because cabinet ministers can’t even agree amongst themselves. 

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‘Constructive ambiguity’ is code for ‘we don’t have a clue’

Brexit Secretary Davis has claimed that lack of clarity over the Government’s Brexit plans was a deliberate attempt at “constructive ambiguity” as part of the negotiations.

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Voices of Grenfell residents must not be ignored again

Today’s news that the Grenfell inquiry will not look into broader questions of social housing policy is a wasted opportunity.

Disappointingly, the inquiry will only look into the actions of Kensington and Chelsea Council in the run up to the tragedy.

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3.6% rail fare rise is a bitter blow to passengers

This steep hike to rail fares will be a bitter blow for passengers struggling with overcrowded and unreliable trains.

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